Soul Factor

faith at work that is good for the soul

Soul Factor talks get to the heart and soul of work by combining marketplace expertise with a Christian faith perspective.

Watch a talk with colleagues or friends and use the discussion guide to spark conversation. Take a deeper dive using the further study notes.

selected talks from Soul Factor singapore


Working with value

Why is work worth getting out of bed for? When we distil the value of our work to one aspect, we miss the full range of value we have the potential to generate. What if you had an epiphany moment and renewed your vision of value?

This talk introduces the Soul Factor series by suggesting we turn on the lights.

Working with value - talk by Andrew Baughen


Working with approval

In the midst of workplace pressures, can you be a good worker and a good person? Yes, by becoming pre-approved for work rather than defined by work, and by aligning what we do with what we believe.

This talk explores how knowing you are a child of God redefines the purpose of work as being about our Father’s business.

Working with approval - talk by Wilson Ang


Working with wellbeing

Do you look forward to going to work? Are you creating a culture of friendship, collaboration and forgiveness that fosters wellbeing or a toxic fear of punishment?

This talks explains how corporate culture is an outcome of behaviours shaped by values. It explores God’s gold standard of values rooted in grace.

Working with wellbeing - talk by Carl Thong


Working with sustainability

When into the future will your work be adding value? How are you stewarding resources and building capacity?

This talk outlines why we have a mandate to care for our planet and the privilege of being stewards of God’s world.

Working with sustainability - talk by Lynette Leong


Working with character

Where are you making a difference and having an impact in wider society? How are you part of the solution? It all starts with growing in integrity and character.

This talk shows how work is a beautiful and joyful expression of our calling as human beings who are part of God’s good plans to serve others and bring peace.

Working with character - talk by Sam Rhee


Working with identity

Are you an extension of work or is work an extension of you? Sharon Lim shares her work story of loss and gain and how she has reframed her work.

This talk shows how knowing the riches of being royalty in God’s household gives you joy in your work and confidence in God’s good purposes.

Working with identity - talk by Sharon Lim

selected talks from Soul Factor nairobi


Sharing the recipe

What is the recipe for a work life with faith, hope and love?

This talk introduces the purpose of Soul Factor as a forum for people to share their recipe of work produced by faith, prompted by love and inspired by hope.

Sharing the recipe - talk by Andrew Baughen


Inside Out Wellbeing

What if switched from making it all obout our personal wellness and instead looked at the wellbeing of others. What would need to change in ourselves to bring wellness to others at work?

This talk explodes the myth that individual improvements in wellbeing transforms the collective culture of a workplace. Rather than outside in Faith suggests an inside out alternative.

Inside Out Wellbeing - talk by Faith Kamiri


How not to become your work

Work can become three things: a brand that validates us and where we belong; a business which we deliver what hired for in return for praise, more money and a bigger title; a place of busyness where the more we do the more we feel needed and relevant.

This talk shows how we can enjoy work without being consumed by the work beneath the work.

How not to become your work - talk by Toukam Ngoufanke


Working with purpose

Where do we turn to when we don’t succeed at the things we think we’re skilled at? How do we work out what we were put on this earth to do when we didn’t put ourselves on this earth in the first place?

This talk explores how the makers instructions give us purpose in the everyday small things which contribute to God’s big purposes.

Working with purpose - talk by Mwangi Muthui


Feel the fear, do it anyway

Fear can paralyse us and prevent us being involved in purposeful work.

In this talk Pat shares from her personal experience and explores how she found that prayer to the God who is with her removed her fears and equipped her to look up and see her role as an agent of transformation in the world.

Feel the fear, do it anyway – talk by Pat Okelo

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